Friday, September 18, 2009

So it's been a while

It has been a while since my last blog. I've come to the realization yet again, that I stink at blogs/vlogs/anything of journal nature. But I think I am okay with that. No, I know I am okay with that. So what has been going on recently in my life? Well, what's gone on in yours??? haaha :) Mmk, so classes at ECSU have leveled out I guess you could say. They aren't as hard as the first two weeks, and therefore I don't feel as ovewhelmed. Which I am very pleased to say. Overall, I am liking my classes. There are still the one or two acceptions that I don't like-such as Aural Skills. I just flat out don't have a trained ear, and never really used my ears the past two years for music to tell what a major or minor 5,6, or 4 sounds like. But I am working on it. After my voice training on Monday, I hit me that I really have lost my upper range that I had in high school. It saddens me, but I have no one to blame really but myself. I didn't practice, even though I wasn't given much opportunity to practice, I didn't really try to keep it trained. So that's a goal this year-getting my higher range back. Also, another goal is to actually lose the weight and drop sizes like I have been trying. I have the p90x thing, but I just can't stick with it alone. =/ I hate not having someone else to do it with me, but I guess I'll just have to suck it up and do it. But I am DETERMINED this time to actually get through more than two weeks of it, hah. Hm..worship wise, I haven't really done anything (bummer). However! Mike asked me to help with worship this past wednesday. It felt like the first time he asked me for help. I was still nervous around him, vocally, and didn't feel up to par. But when we actually played, it was a lot easier. I found I like leading worship in general, but it is fun with Mike also. I have a tendency to just want to watch him lead cause he does a good job, haha. Just wish my voice blended with his. In the back of my head I keep hearing Mark say "Your voice just has more vibrato than his, so it doesn't blend too well." BUTTTT yeah. It was fun :) And I am really glad he asked me to help. Um..welp, I think that about does it on important stuff? I still am not quiet sure where I am going/doing/wanting out of life. Hopefully that will change soon, and I will be able to see what God wants for me. Lator gators :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

letting off some steam

so my head is in killer pain right now from homework, that i can't seem to get a grasp of. i hate it. i don't even want to be in this degree right now, i haven't since i started the classes. why did i choose it? oh wait, i didn't. i wanted to perform, not teach. but that's what mom wanted me to do..teach. and speaking of mom, i am not allowed to talk to her during office hours according to her. but she forgets that her office hours are pretty much all day. i can't call because i cut into those times, yet even on days i DONT call, she gets behind, so what good is it? I mean, sorry my 2nd father was in the hospital and i was trying to get ahold of her cause i was upset. ughhhhh i am just so frustrated with everything right now. and next week is my birthday and i could care less. i was going to go home and now i don't even feel like it. it sucks butt. flat out. i am going outside..