Friday, December 25, 2009
I want
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A penny for your thoughts
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
As of late
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Future Pt. 2
The previous blog about the past few weeks/month escalated into me thinking about what I want when I get out college. I thought for the longest time I would go live on my own, get a job in a school part time or whatever, and also have a part time job somewhere else like Red Robin. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that's not what I want. This is going to be the selfish sounding parts, and all of this is ultimately up to God.
I am tired of searching. Searching for love, career, everything. Whilst driving to school an overwhelming feeling of wanting to be done came over me. I am ready to settle down. I want to be able to go to classes, or work, and come home to someone. Relax at home with that special someone, buy groceries, cook food, etc for/with that someone. I'm ready to be content and happy and not trying to impress people because I have someone. In all honesty, I want to find someone I can help lead worship with. I want to be a part of a church, and find someone else that wants to be a part of a church as well. I never would’ve thought that I would want to marry a leader in a church, but I do. The idea of waking up every morning to someone I love, no matter the flaws and sins he commits, and living every day with him is something I crave. To sit and watch movies till late at night, then crawl into bed and just lay, feeling completely at home. Making him silly little letters to find in his papers at work to remind him how much I care, although he can tell just by my actions. To sit and know I can trust him with other people/girls, knowing that he likes me for me although I may make mistakes, and he chooses to help me fix them. Just to be able to sit in a room, no words and just know, to be happy just being in that room with him. I want to be able to help him and talk to him about his day at work over dinner, sing with him, do devotions with him, read the Bible together, share and learn things about each other everyday. I want to grow as one with someone.
This is such an odd and new feeling for me. I was always the person that thought it was good to date people, even if you didn’t think you’d marry them. To me, that was the purpose of dating, to figure out exactly what qualities you want in a spouse. You can’t fully know what qualities you want till you experience them. But I know what I want now. I only have a few main qualities and others fall behind it. Things such as being a Christian, funny, fun to be around, attractive (yes I am somewhat shallow), talented, and accepts me for me are important (not just those, only a few mentioned). I don’t want to be someone else’s second pick if they don’t even want me. But I am just ready to settle down. Okay marriage is maybe a little too soon, but I am ready to find that person and just be me and not worry etc. I want to make someone else as happy as they make me. I want to get my own place, with a dog, maybe a cat, and maybe eventually kids. I just, I feel ready to be at that point in my life, but I know in many ways I am not ready.
There are goals in my life that I need to start keeping for once, instead of letting them slip. I want to learn as much as possible about music, better myself in every way, and help others. I need to learn not to honestly care what some people think of me, and do things foremost for God, then myself.
I want to be a faithful wife, a caring mother, and more importantly a
servant of God.
I just have to be patient and wait to see what God wants for me. It will be a long and winding journey, but I know with God, I can do it. I don’t feel at home here, and this isn’t my home. But until I get home, I want to find a place here I can call a home. I am sorry if none of this comes out sounding to eloquent, and possibly not make sense. It’s kind of just following my train of thought, which itself is scattered. Don’t doubt that will be more blogs about stuff like this, there probably will. I just really wanted to write this down soon.
Future Pt. 1
What do you want in your future? Job wise, home, financial, relationship, spiritual wise, where do you plan on things going? This is something that has kind of plagued my mind for weeks now, really ever since I got turned down for a job. Okay, I'll lay it out for ya:
I came to RBC my freshman year in hopes of being a worship and music minister/or leader. Well, that same year I was told that being female, I wouldn't make it far. Put quite a damper on things, right? ha. Well, my mom kind of decided for me at that point that I would teach music. I liked babies, but not 3rd-5th graders, so I thought I'd teach high school. This required me to dual enroll at a nearby university, which I am currently still attending. Nothing seems wrong with the picture, right? Wrong. I still don't want to teach necessarily. Over the years of being here, I have helped lead worship at churches and in chapel and have loved every minute of it. If you read blogs prior to this, I continually talk about not knowing what I am called to do by God, but that I don't really want to teach (I'd rather perform or something). Though now that I think about it, perform is the wrong word. I still want to lead. I don't want the complete leadership role of talking and being the main vocalist/instrumentalist, but I want to help lead.
This job that I applied for was just something I figured I would do for experience and money. It was a job working with elementary kids (3rd-5th grade mainly) teaching them songs to do for church on Sundays. I didn't think highly of it, I just wanted to learn and be involved in a church somewhere because I feel so detached from churches. I can't seem to find one that I connect well in and I find myself church hopping =/ So I interviewed at the church, still weary about it. But after about 2 days I started to get really excited. I talked about it with a few friends (Mike and Conley) and weighed the pros and cons. But unfortunately, 2 weeks later they called and said I didn't get the job. Only reason being that I would not be here over the summer. My disappointment was greater than I had anticipated. I thought that after a few days I would get over it, yet I didn't. It still runs through my mind. Opportunity for what I originally wanted to do, sort of, slipped out of my hands for that moment. It stunk.
So this got me thinking, what do I really want in life? Sure there are things that I crave, or think I need, or think I want; most of the time those are just temporary things that don’t really matter. I needed to figure out what I wanted for my life. I have had a rush of emotions and thoughts the past month that I am simply boggled. There are good emotions, and bad, and of course neutral. There are times I feel I am completely comfortable and happy, and times that I feel so out of place. I feel like dropping out of school sometimes just to go on with life, then I think sometimes I want to learn as much as possible. It’s a basic feeling of not knowing what I want. I just know I want to do what God wants. There are certain things I feel I have been given the opportunity to fix, try again, and start. I don’t want to miss out on those, yet I don’t always see them. Fear has been the strongest emotion for me lately. I am scared that I am doing something wrong in school, relationships, family, every part of life. I don’t want to mess up. I want to be able to open myself up to someone again, without the fear of pain, but I can’t. It blows. I care so much, but I feel I can’t show it cause I am too scared to get close again. But the fear of messing up and not telling or showing my love is there as well. Flat out-I am scared....
Monday, October 5, 2009
One way to care?
What does it mean for you to care for someone? Or better yet, how do you show you care? I care for people, Jesus cared for people (which I'll get to later on). Yet apparently, I don't show it correctly. But is there really a correct way of showing care, or concern?
After discussion with a few people, I have come to the conclusion that there is no one way to show that you care. There is the (1)care that it shown through discussion, "I care so much about you!" There is the (2)care showing through actions, such as buying someone gifts. Then there is the (3)care that requires you to involve yourself in someone else's life/business. But sometimes I think that one may actually do the opposite.
1: The verbal care for someone is often times the one most people strive to get, I think. I mean, yeah they want physical care and concern, but they’d rather hear about it. Let’s take these scenarios: When you are sick and in the hospital, you want people to say “Oh, I am praying for you!” or “I hope you get better!” anything along those lines, right? Right. When you miss classes for a day and don’t show, you want people to ask “Hey! Why weren’t you in class?” The verbal recognition of their concern appeals to you. You think, if they say it-they mean it.
2: Then there is the physical care. When a boyfriend buys you gifts, it’s cause he loves you and cares for you blah blah. Or, back to the scenarios: Whilst in the hospital, someone buys you a card, balloons, and flowers. Or gets your homework and test materials for you when you miss class. It shows they care to spend the money on you to show their love. This is where you’d insert, “action speak louder than words.” If a person can’t seem to say they love you, or say they care for you, they must be able to show it right?
3: Finally, the care that requires you to get involved. This is more in depth care. This kind of care comes from a relationship that isn’t surfaced based. This would be the type of relationship a best friend, sibling, or room mate would have. It’s great to be involved in their lives, but I think sometimes it can push a limit. Unfortunately, I can’t use the same two scenarios for this one. But lets say, your friend has been in this situation where you feel (s)he is getting herself in trouble, or possibly hurt (we will say emotionally, not physically). Keep in mind, this is the first time. I feel then, it would be okay to say something. Maybe mention to your friend that you think it’s not a good idea or something, but let (s)he make their own mistake (if it even is a mistake). Okay, flash forward to after they have gotten themselves in trouble, you’ve shared your opinions and feelings, yet! they decided to do it again. This is where I feel the fine line between care and reprimanding(?) gets hazy. It’s okay to mention to your friend, “Hey, ya know, you’ve kinda been down this road before. Are you sure you want to do it again?” But I feel that is all that should be said. If your friend chooses to make their mistake, let them. You are not their parent (well, maybe you are) nor their leader; you are their friend, their companion, their person to fall back on. And I know it can get tiring, especially if they do it habitually. But so what? That’s when you choose to either be there, or tell them to find someone else cause you can’t get them to notice it’s their habit. Now, if they come to you with this problem, don’t be afraid to listen. I think too often we are quick to judge or reprimand, rather than listen. And in all reality, you know that they’ve probably realized how stupid they were already, no need to throw it in their faces. But this is where it becomes a problem for me. I have family, and I have friends that if this were to happen between us, they would yell and reprimand me and scold me for my wrong doings. They feel that yelling shows how concerned they are, that if they show how much it irritates them they can get their point across. And I flat out hate it, and disagree. I know when my Mom cares, she doesn’t yell, she becomes quite. The stillness in her voice, the quietness of the room-you could hear a pin drop, but it’s actually the guilt or pain you hear thudding on the floor of your heart. I think it does more to be quiet to show you are hurt or care, more than it does to yell. Yelling puts people (or at least me) on the defense first, making me want to close my ears and not listen. So that is what I do. I stay calm.
I am told I can’t show care, love, concern very well, especially to other girls. This is true, and I think a big part of this is owed to a struggle I had. I’m not going to go into detail, but it made me feel very awkward around other girls, which today I still do. So me telling girls “I love you” or “I care for you” is very hard for me to do. Even making things for them is sometimes hard. I don’t have funds to go buy things to show I care, and I don’t always have the creative juices flowing to make things. Therefore, people think I don’t have the capacity to care. But I do! I have the capacity to love you more than you could imagine, I just can’t show it. I do a better job with guys, but even then it’s with guys I have crushes on. So because I don’t express it verbally or physically, I try and listen, try and help people with their problems. However, sometimes I find I fail in that department of concern as well. My friend may come to me angry about a situation in which they were stupid twice (meaning, did the same thing, was told not to do it again, and then did it), knowing that I had also done something similar. They expect me to reprimand them and call them hypocritical cause they yelled at me about it weeks before. Yet I don’t, I stay quiet and calm, letting them reflect on what they’ve told me and how they feel. I don’t put my input in, I don’t yell. To me, yelling is a lot like arguing, since it is a big part of it. Arguing gets you no where; it just hurts someone, if not both that are arguing. But these actions don’t satisfy the person, they’d rather I gave them my two sense. I feel that if you put your two sense in more than once, you are just pissing in the wind because they didn’t listen the first time. Also, what you or I may have to say, probably isn’t what they want to hear, and can hurt them. I know sometimes when I make a mistake, I just want to vent about it. Sometimes my friends like to tell me their opinions, which is okay, but the tone in which it is given could change sometimes. Anywho, I am just rambling now.
To answer my original question: no, I don’t think, I know there isn’t one way to show care/love. Look at Jesus, he did so many things verbally: telling the apostles he loved them, telling his Father he loved Him, etc. physically, such as: feeding the multitudes of people, gathering with the disciples, washing their feet. And he also listened to people with their problems. He would give his two cents (but Jesus’ two cents is worth a LOT more than ours haha) and would help them. He would reprimand where needed, he wasn’t afraid to raise his voice, or cry with them. If Jesus could show care/love in those ways, we can too. People just need to understand that there is no right or wrong way of showing it. There is just a way you prefer over others, and people can’t read your mind to know.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
complete adoration
So what does adore mean to you? In any sense, what does it mean? Do you adore something? A necklace, a guitar, a song, a sport? Or a person? God, your Mom, Dad, boyfriend/girlfriend? There is always something that people adore, whether they see it or not, whether it is an object or person, it is there. And while I adore God a lot, no words to describe how awesome He is, this not about Him.
In the past few weeks I think I have come to understand what this feeling I had was. It felt amazing, yet it hurt all at the same time. I thought it was towards something, then I realized it was towards someONE (Who shall remain nameless). This person is, of course a guy, but not just any guy. He is the guy that most people deep down, don't really like all the time. Yet I can't find any hatred or disgusting thing about him. I mean, I know he does this that are wrong, or treats people not so nicely all the time, but I don't dislike him for it. In fact, it makes me like him because he tries to fix it. Ya know, I don't think "like" is even a good word to use for this, but I probably will anyways. For the longest time I didn't know what it meant to like someone, but not have to be with them all the time. I told every guy I liked that I did know, so they wouldn't think I was clingy. In all reality I had, and still have, some trust issues. I thought to like someone or to be "talking" you had to be around each other or texting each other all the time. I thought there needed to be some sort of conversing 24/7 or else it would be awkward, unless you were watching a movie. But this guy taught me a lot-mainly he taught me that I needed to grow up, and get out of the fantasy world of relationships. Now, I can enjoy doing activities with people, but just as much enjoy the quiet and relaxing times. I've grown to like those quiet and relaxing times more actually. In the past, if I liked someone and they walked in the room, I would pounce on them I guess you could say. I was right at their side, and it was flat out annoy I bet. Now, when this person walks in, I just keep going about my business. Yeah, I wish at times he would come talk to me and what not, but it's not my main focus. The reason I posted the definition of adore at the top was because I think this is the feeling I get from him. Not from him to me, but the feeling I have towards him. I get so nervous around people, yet when he walks in a room, or is around, a sense of calm and pleasantness comes over me like I've never felt before. Even when he just makes eye contact with me, I feel different. And when he smiles at me, oh man, I feel like no one else is around. I feel my face brighten up, and can't help but smile back with that stupid huge smile of mine because I am so happy. I am extremely comfortable with him, in every situation or environment, and like I said, I don't ever seem to get irritated by him anymore. It's a feeling I've never had towards a guy, a sense of pure happiness. No stress, no anger, no more worries, nothing but joy.
Yet when the day is over, the joy is gone. Why? It's not because I think he doesn't notice me, or because he may not like me (although that in its own way sucks). It is because I have all this emotion, all this feeling of pure, unaffected love for him and there is no way for me to express it to him. It's bottled up, waiting to explode. I am afraid to express it to him, mainly for fear of rejection, yes. Not a "I don't like you at all Erin," but a "I'm sorry, there is no way I could nor would ever feel the same." Not to mention, I wouldn't want things to get awkward. I enjoy being in his company that if it got awkward, I'd feel like the freshmen girl in college that has to win his friendship all over again. And after all I've gone through with this..I don't think my heart could take it. (Not saying I'll die ha, no no no). For the longest time I couldn't put this on here because I couldn't figure out how to write these feelings out. And in all honesty, still no words can describe this as well as I'd like. But you know the funny thing? Before I wrote this, I looked up different definitions, and I looked up his name on urban dictionary. Someone had written a funny little definition for his name, yet I feel that it helps me express what I feel:
The most amazing boy in the world. He is quiet around the masses but he opens up around the one he loves. He is extraordinarily protective in the best of ways. He can and will make you laugh harder than anyone else. He is the most adorable, cute, nice, sweet, kind, generous, loving, caring, genuine, funny, considerate, awesome person I have ever met. Every moment of my life would be better if I could spend it with him. His smile can make my day; even if it’s from across the room. I love him more than the sun, I need him more than breath it’s self. I can’t imagine my life without him; it scares me more than anything. I will spend the rest of my life in his arms. |
Okay, the last few lines are borderline creepy/high schoolish. But you get the point. I just don't know what to do. I can't tell him really for my fear is so great. Yet, I feel if I don't I may miss out on something important. This year I made a plan not to focus on guys, not to try and get a boyfriend or anything this year. I don't want to be a hinderance to someone else in any way if I, myself, am not straight: spiritually mainly. (While we both probably have a lot to work on, he is the only one that has ever, I think, really influenced me spiritually or helped me in that way). I am going to work on my grades and school work, and work on my spiritual life, and flat out:grow up. I am working on it. I think at times I am succeeding, and it feels great. My focus is still in all the right places, but he is constantly in the back of my mind, I seriously can't get him off my mind. He isn't distracting, for once, nor do I think he would be again. It's like my crush itself has matured to an adoration that I simply adore everything about it, and never want to see him go. And I think that is what I am trying to say. Maybe? I don't know. Thoughts? Feel free to share what you adore, think, feel anything. :) Night.
Friday, September 18, 2009
So it's been a while
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
letting off some steam
Friday, August 21, 2009
Has been a long time friends
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Plagues my mind
The time here at CIY is fun, it's going great for the most part. I often run video or electronics of some sort, and tonight I did pictures for the Matt Bayless band. The students are pretty nice, cool, whatever you want to call them. The messages are important and great, OH! favorite speaker was here-total surprise for me (Jeff Walling). Yep, I was pretty stoked.
So sitting here bored, and Nicole is sick, gives me plenty of time to think, to ponder. I really miss some people right now. Even people I had just met, or people I had just met in person-but talked to before. It's odd for me, cause those people I didn't expect to miss (no offense). And other people I thought I'd miss-I don't, not at ALL. Again, no offense to those people. I found a strong connection with someone I didn't expect to last week, and it's the oddest feeling for me to miss them being around. lol.And I miss home, at least, I miss Mom. Dad kept calling me today cause he keeps thinking I am supposed to be home. Even though I have told him time and time again I am not coming home for a while.
On a slightly different note: talked with one of the FCC guys today. Welp, he is really cool but that's beside the point. Anyways, I told him I felt bad cause I was interested in this one guy and his bff was like "IMing" me? and I was joking, and felt like he may think I am interested in I feel bad. To which FCC told me that I am a very flirty person, and it's not his fault if he is interested. aka-it's mine. Which he is right. Eh, I don't know. I just was thinking, what of all the people I have possibly lead on. I mean, someone called me manipulative last week, and I just laughed cause I don't really try anything. But I may be subconciously doing it? I don't know.
Anywho, on a COMPLETELY different note, lol: Missions! I have always wanted to travel, and the joy I get from doing so and ministering to kids in that way is so intense. I thought being here this week that CIY teams were what I wanted to do next summer. But as I thought about it, I really enjoy the camps, and even more, I want to go somewhere, like Africa or Cambodia and minister to those kids. There are so many people that need to hear about Jesus, and maybe I can combine my love of music and wanting to teach arts with the Gospel. That's what I think about a lot lately. A lot of people I've met lately are about missions, and tell me to pursue it. And my roommate even found a job like what I want (I don't think she wants me to be seperated from her hah ;]) But it's like, I feel God is dropping signs left and right for me, yet I am too scared and unsure if it's what I need to do. I am so fickle about my career decisions that I feel this may fade away? Yet it keeps coming back up, so I don't know. Thoughts? Ideas?
Mk, well I am tired of typing. Other tid bits of here is pretty cool. I will be at RCC on Tuesday. Until then I am still here in SC. I have gained weight it feels, yet I can't find the motivation to work out. ugh. yep. and I am running out of money-FAST. ok. later
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Embarking on a journey
Saturday, June 6, 2009
life cycles
So while being unable to sleep, I decided to go through all the sites I am a member of. Blogs, facebook, myspace, emails. Wow do I have a lot, and I got rid of a lot. No need for all of them. Welp, came across my old xanga account. I had totally forgotten about it. So I decided to read some of the blogs I had written since the very end of high school. Ya know what is ironic? Life cycles around. Some of the things I wrote about then, I feel or write about still today. From dad, to being used, to drama, to not knowing what I want to do with my life, aka confusion. It is all still there, even if it is at different degress now, it is there. So why? Why does my life seem to constantly cycle through? The pain and guilt of my father, the confusion of if I am at the right school. The feeling of being used by others. It is a constant cycle I have let myself live, and I need to break it. But I don't..why? good question. No answer for that yet. Couple of the blogs I wrote talking about how I wish life were easier, or I could figure out what to do, God this and God that. Surprisinly, there was a comment on one of them that I think I needed to read.
"sometimes when you try and set up a situation where God has the "chance" to show you where to go, nothing happens. Perhaps the fact that you were ASKED to try out for the traveling team has some meaning behind it; maybe that was God trying to get you plugged in to something where your skills and talents will be used best. remember...God spoke in the gentle wind, not the earthquake (2 Kings 19:11-18). in this passage Elijah tries to "complain" to God; he states that he has been very zealous and honorable in carrying out the orders from God but receives nothing more than death threats from Jezebel (earlier passages) and others. when he is done, God simply gives him three tasks to complete; in doing this, God is telling Elijah that his work is not yet done and that God is always there for Elijah. Likewise, even though some things go wrong in life, God is always there for us and has a plan for our lives. it's simply up to us to choose to either follow that plan or take a road we like better. hope this helped a bit!
I think at the time I kind of just blew it off (no offense) but now, it kind of helps me. I sit here wondering what I am doing with life, asking what I am supposed to do. I mean, I am not getting up doing a bunch of stuff and not listening to the whispers cause I am so busy. Rather, I am so quiet while asking for help, yet my mind is constantly wandering, and I am not truly listening. It doesn't work to just sit in silence and expect God to talk that way. Listening is key, which I am not putting forth complete effort. So while I feel that life's vicious cycle is something I can't break, or something I didn't notice. I think rather me reflecting, and even me reading my old blogs is God telling me to look at myself. I am constantly doing what I think is right, but in relationships, I say I leave it to God but I am not. So me seeing the guilt and pain of dad, and the using by others, God is showing its constant role in life, and telling me that I CAN change it, and that I need too. And me repeating that I need to leave it to Him, I am obviously not doing, and I need too. I need to get on track, and I need to give it ALL to Him. I have to break the bad habits, the routine and become who He wants me to be. I just hope I can..
I am sorry these blogs are not the happiest, or the best. It is sort of me reflecting. Feel free to say whatever you want to me, or not say anything. Your choice. But now you know what is going on in my head. So I am setting a goal. Devotions. Reading my Bible again, and learning from it. So later today, that is what I am going to do. And rather than me being emo or whatever in the next blog. Hopefully it will be a reflection of my reading. Where to start..guess we will find out in the next chapter of life. ha. later
Friday, June 5, 2009
Sleep-not in my dictionary
Traveling this summer is something I think I need. Not just for myself physically, but spiritually. I noticed that lately I haven't been relying, or studying God's word as much as I should, so maybe I can get back on track. However, since summer has technically started, I am just at a loss for words for everything that has happened. I thought I had figured out who some of my true friends would be, or friends that I would have in my life for a long time. Ha, partially due to all the drama and one friend, I realized otherwise. Going home was something I wanted to do, but didn't want to deal with because of my family. Yet, the first week at least there was so much drama. I got sick of it. A stranger could cut the air with the drama in the rooms. And it wasn't like I had started anything either. I thought my friends I made in high school would have grown up some with all the "high school" drama, but turns out, when you get the old click back together-everyone falls back into routine habits. I'll admit, I made the mistake of doing so for a day or two. Then I realized how stupid I was being for 1)being high schooler-ish with my conversations, 2)actually caring what these people thought of me. When I think about it, probably in ten years, I won't talk to these people anymore, as sad as that may be in some cases. The whole time I was home it was drama after drama. College and/or graduation really doesn't change people, and I finally saw some of my "friends" as what they truely were deep inside. Now not all of them were bad, but each of us has flaws, and I used to be the person that never said anything about the flaws-if I noticed them. But not anymore, and me speaking out, ha did not go over well. Above all, I was just sick of drama. I am constantly told by someone that all I am is drama. He often calls me a drama queen, and I am sick of it. Drama is what I was used to back home, and now, I don't want a part of it. As one friend put it:
"I think God puts people in our lives to shape us into who he wants us to be. It is okay to just be an aquaintance with someone, or to not have a best friend relationship with someone anymore. And I don't think God puts people in our lives to stay our 'friends forever' that cause drama if you don't want it. That's not a godly friend, for they will always bring you down in some way."
So from that point on, I have come to the realization that I like how she views that haha. I hang out with my old friends, I talk about stuff, but as soon as something is brought up that might start things, I end it. No need for it. Now I just hope I can continue to do it, and hopefully not be that "drama queen" anymore.
Another thing I have noticed more since summer: Ya know the saying "Out of sight, out of mind?" Welp, ya never notice how much it really is true till you step back and take a look. Now, I could be a little, not paranoid, but noticing it more since I have absolutely nothing to do for this week, but still. It's like, when I am home-people want to hang out, when I am at school during the year-people want to hang out. But no matter how much they say "keep in touch" or "I'll miss you, let's make sure we see each other," it doesn't change. People still forget, or become "too busy" for friends. People that I hung out with back home for two weeks, everyday, don't talk to me in any way now that I am not there. It's like, if I am not there to be with, I am not important enough to talk too. Same even with some of my college friends. Too busy, or to afraid to admit they just don't want to talk to me, I don't know. Either way, I can guarantee some of those people will come back saying "I missed you! Why didn't you talk to me? It's like you fell off the face of the Earth." To which I correct them and inform them that it takes two to tango (or make a conversation ha). I guess it just makes me wonder if people are truly your friend, if they only really care to talk/hang out, when you are close by/within walking distance. Now I am not fussing trying to say I want attention, that's not the case. I just, I like to talk to people, to keep in touch with friends, but I am finding it hard lately to do so. It's not like I ask for conversation everyday, of every minute. But a text once and while, or even a text back, just trying to make contact would be nice. Besides, I always hate those long sappy facebook messages of people trying to update each other on their lives. ha (I know, I am occasionally guilty of it).
On the family note (and I am sorry this is such a somber, depressing blog. You don't have to read it) in fact, this part is kind of me venting or expressing feelings about family. Because lately, I haven't had anyone I can talk to about it. People don't care to hear, are too busy, or just, I do't know. They don't understand, and the people I could talk to that did, don't have time. Anyways. I just don't know about my dad anymore. Late one night, while I was home, my brother and sis-in-law stopped by to give me something. I miss them a lot, and talking to them. Yet whenever dad was brought up, my brother sounded like he had lost all hope in him. This gets embarrassing, but I told my brother how dad had gone to the bathroom all over the room the other day, because he couldn't hold himself up. To which my brother blatently replied, "As bad as it sounds, I don't think he is going to make it much longer." Referring to living. It's as if everytime I come home, he is worse. I mean just within the two weeks I was home, I had to constantly pick him off the floor, make him food, he couldnt walk, yet two days he tried to talk to the hospital and fast mart to get food. I mean, one day he was arguing with mom and said "Ya know, for being 70 years old, I am doing just fine." MY DAD IS 50! He is losing it, and I can't do anything to help it. And the annoying part of it is, he doesn't care to try. Mom told me about his new doctors visit (I can't even count how many doctors he has gone through) and how he flat out told her that he doesn't do things around the house cause he doesn't want too. He is being lazy and it's frustrating. To be quite honest, part of my hates him for everything he has done to me, and the family. I don't even exist to my grandmother anymore. Yet apparently she wanted to call and fuss at me cause I never told her about Master's Twelve concerts. She has NEVER cared, so why now? Why that ONE thing? Yet the part of me that doesn't hate my dad, is laying real heavy on my heart right now. With what my brother told me about dad not making it much longer, it kills me. For so long he hasn't acted like my dad till he need to tell me what to do with my life. Which always occured at the worst times. So I never talked to my dad. Here I have this close relationship with mom, where I tell her pretty much everything. And my dad doesn't even know what I am in school for. And it's my fault. He will sit with us at meals, and I will talk and look at mom. Then from a side view see him just sitting there, totally lost cause he has no idea hat I am talking about. I sit and the table with him and end up talking as if he isn't there, and that's WRONG. Sometimes he tries to be with me, and instead, I don't know why, I just get so irritated about it, as if I don't want him around. And then I feel bad cause all he wants to do is spend time with me, even though he does the stupidest stuff. And it kills me even more because things with him are just habit now. When he walks to the fast mart to buy food and asks if I want something, it's just so easy to say 'no' and then go out to eat with mom. And I feel guilty about it, cause I know when I am at school, he sits at home by himself, and eats by himself. And I know he is lonely, yet I never try fix things when I am home. And for that I am a horrible daughter. I sit there and see my dad hurting, sick and lonely, and yet I can't bring myself to leave my room and be with him. And when he tells me he loves me, it's just habit to say it, I don't feel it. But when I left this past week, I cried. He said it, and I thought, with what my brother said, what if it was the last time? I said it so apathetically. I feel like such a horrible person for it. I just can't bring myself to do otherwise! ARGH! I just don't know what to do. I know everyone's probably thinking, just go talk to him, hang out with him. But it is way easier said than done. Don't get me wrong, I used to do stuff with dad, like ride bicycles and motorcyles and what not, but now he isn't healthy enough to do anything, I mean, I used to get him to play volleyball now I can't get him to stay awake to watch a show with me. I want things to change, I just. I really just don't know.
Being in this dorm pretty much alone doesn't help things right now. I have all the time in the world to sit and think, and I am tired of sitting and thinking. So I am sorry that this is such an emo blog. I just needed to get things out. Flat out right now-I am lonely. I just want people to talk to. But in a week it won't matter. I'll be at camp. Also, I just want to sleep. I am tired, my eyes are heavy, but I can't bring myself to actually sleep. Hope y'all are having better luck. And a good summer. bye..
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Threw me for a loop
So I have been reading this book about relationships (book will remain nameless for time being) and it has seemed to be a pretty good book. I have found that while reading it, I am more carefree about relationships and such (good/bad, haven't decided yet). Anyways, whilst reading tonight, I came across the two chapters that dealt with porn in relationships. One chapter dealt with male pornography, the other chapter with female pornography. Reading the titles I thought it would be just about how it's bad and affects a persons relationship/marriability. However, it discussed how men looking at porn can be seen by women as their husbands cheating on them. And for women, how a simple chick flick is considered porn. It blew my mind! Yet, I feel that these chapters may have made some good points(?). For example:
Male porn was seen as cheating. It discussed how pornography is an addiction, and that it will grow and want more and more. And also the porn will become more graphic. I had not thought of the fact that the need or more intensity would grow. But more within the chapter, it dealt with the fact that women who are okay with the significant others looking at porn, were cheating themselves out. It was teaching the men habits of imagining other women, and that eventually their own wives would become less attractive because of these hotter women they see. Also, that it would be cheating because they are easily seeing women and not saying no, to a simple internet site. What if it was a real woman, in real life?
Female porn boggled me even more. Chick flicks=porn in a sense? Never would have thought of that one. Not saying I totally agree with it, but I can kind of see where these writers get the idea. They say how women go and see chick flicks, and the steamy romance scenes they crave. They grow up watching them and hoping for a perfect relationship like that, etc etc. But to me the chapter just made it seem like women were hoping for the perfect life, and unrealistically at that. I guess their idea of men not being as attracted to their wives because of the "hot babes online" could be the same for women and their "steamy mcdreamy in the movie."
maybe? hah. I just don't know. These chapters just kind of threw me for a loop, and like I said, I don't necessarily agree with what was said. Thoughts? Opinions? Theories? ANYTHING? ha, just tell me what you think from the little I gave. Just curious how others think of it. (and I know it's a weird topic, sorry.) mkbye.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tis a bittersweet farewell.
On a lighter note, Taylor comes to VA/NC in less than 3 days! I am super stoked about it. No words to describe. Also, as of tomorrow, I will be a junior in college- CRAZY! I feel like it was just yesterday that I started. To make things worse, I still don't know what I am going to do with the rest of my life exactly. But I know to leave it in God's hands-and that is what I am doing.
Welp, gotta go write my final paper, then head to bed. Hope y'all have a great night! :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
It's been a while, dear friend

So it was made clear to me that I haven't updated my blogspot in a while. So here I go, haha. Nothing new has really happened since last time, not that I can think of. I did go on Master's Twelve Tour-twas fun at times. It had its ups and downs, but overall it was good. It makes me really sad to think that it is quite possibly the last tour, and even more sad that Ms. Bondurant won't be in charge. Don't get me wrong-the new chick seems cool, but Ms. B is amazing. She is truely a wonderful woman of God. We did go to the zoo on tour-got t

At the same time, I am not ready for summer. I am still unsure how I feel about traveling the whole summer. I figure I am in the group and doing this for a reason, but at the same time, the materialistic and realistic, working side of me wishes I would be home. Working at the Robin making money is something I acutally looked foward to this summer, making moolah. haha. oh well..
I have been having a picture taking fetish? I guess that's what you would call it. I just constantly find myself wanting to sit outside and take pictures. lol. and my want for a new camera is INTENSE lol.

Taylor comes in less than 20 days!! I am excited about that. She is staying for a week, don't know what we will do. Cause it's not like she didn't live in Mechanicsville for years, ahaha. We shall see. I know she is excited, and wants to meet my friends here at RBC, but I have a feeling most people will be gone by then. =/
hm..what else..oh I know. I am not going to say much here though. lol. So there's this guy-I like him. But I can't seem to let myself like him too much. I'am unsure of what I want in a lot of aspects, and relationships is one of them. I feel bad for not knowing, but I can't bring myself to just let go and say yes. lol. I am the what if kind of person, and it sucks. Sometimes I can see myself with him for a looong time, and then there are sometimes that we just pluck each others last nerve lol. Not to mention, for some reason with him, and never have I before, but I get jealous. He knows this, but its frustrating. I don't like the feeling at ALL. I guess it, no I am pretty positive it is in part to 1)who his ex is, and 2)my low self-esteem. lol.and the fact that I get compared so much to his ex, its like, i don't know..but I am trying to get past it/get over it. I guess we will see what happens. But the point, and main thing is: I do like him. :)

I think that's about all the new stuff I can think of. Welp, hope you guys are having a good day :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Debbie Downers