Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Threw me for a loop

So I haven't written on here in a while, and tonight will not be an update so to speak on life. Rather, I want to discuss/share, anything something I read today.

So I have been reading this book about relationships (book will remain nameless for time being) and it has seemed to be a pretty good book. I have found that while reading it, I am more carefree about relationships and such (good/bad, haven't decided yet). Anyways, whilst reading tonight, I came across the two chapters that dealt with porn in relationships. One chapter dealt with male pornography, the other chapter with female pornography. Reading the titles I thought it would be just about how it's bad and affects a persons relationship/marriability. However, it discussed how men looking at porn can be seen by women as their husbands cheating on them. And for women, how a simple chick flick is considered porn. It blew my mind! Yet, I feel that these chapters may have made some good points(?). For example:

Male porn was seen as cheating. It discussed how pornography is an addiction, and that it will grow and want more and more. And also the porn will become more graphic. I had not thought of the fact that the need or more intensity would grow. But more within the chapter, it dealt with the fact that women who are okay with the significant others looking at porn, were cheating themselves out. It was teaching the men habits of imagining other women, and that eventually their own wives would become less attractive because of these hotter women they see. Also, that it would be cheating because they are easily seeing women and not saying no, to a simple internet site. What if it was a real woman, in real life?

Female porn boggled me even more. Chick flicks=porn in a sense? Never would have thought of that one. Not saying I totally agree with it, but I can kind of see where these writers get the idea. They say how women go and see chick flicks, and the steamy romance scenes they crave. They grow up watching them and hoping for a perfect relationship like that, etc etc. But to me the chapter just made it seem like women were hoping for the perfect life, and unrealistically at that. I guess their idea of men not being as attracted to their wives because of the "hot babes online" could be the same for women and their "steamy mcdreamy in the movie."

maybe? hah. I just don't know. These chapters just kind of threw me for a loop, and like I said, I don't necessarily agree with what was said. Thoughts? Opinions? Theories? ANYTHING? ha, just tell me what you think from the little I gave. Just curious how others think of it. (and I know it's a weird topic, sorry.) mkbye.

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