Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So I have come to the realization today, that there are just some people in my life that don't need to be there. Not meaning to sound negative, but like, I don't benefit from our friendship, vice versa, I don't like how I feel after being around them, nor what I become. And again, I am pretty sure those people feel the same way.

Also, I've realized that by letting myself go, and become someone other than..well, me, that I have neglected some really cool people. Lately I have been hanging out and talking to some people more, like Mike, Justin, Buddy, Becca, Nicole..the list goes on. I find myself talking or hanging out with them, and it's fun! I feel I have missed out on so much in about just a semester. To those of you reading this: I am working on it.

So I had court today. Barrels of fun, yeah, no. hah. Luckily enough, I didn't have to pay the full price of the ticket, but enough to learn that I don't need to speed again, even if my speedometer is broken. Had a pretty fun day with Danielle. I was going to miss all my classes already, so we went and got lunch and just hung out. That was grand. Then lessons with Mike, I felt kinda, nope, really dumb. hah. But no one's fault, I'm just insecure on my guitar skills. Then of course drama (no day is complete with some). And finally I got coffee with Mike. It was nice talking with him. I missed the days of hanging out and talking about anything, very relaxing cause I know Mike isn't judging me. So I can tell him most things. Now of course I am just sitting in my room pondering over things. All in all, today wasn't so bad. I actually saw some sun today! yay!

Goal/Lesson of the month: Hang out, get to know other people better. :)

Hope y'all had a good day too :) mkbye

1 comment:

  1. i struggled with negative people and downers a lot when i was in college, and let me tell you, its not always easy, but once you get the point where the people you surround yourself with are good, supportive people, it makes life so much better.
