anxiety |a ng ˈzī-itē|noun
a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcomeIt started with what seemed to be a simple headache, but has turned into a constant back and forth/on and off pain. Not the normal, "let me take some meds and it will go away" kind, but the kind where no matter what I take or how often, the pain is constant and there. On top of that, I get dizzy and lightheaded with every move I make. I stand, I sit, I stretch, I lay down, I read, I turn my head, even as I am typing. I almost feel like I am in a constant state of being tipsy (rest assured, I am not drinking). Alright, so after a day or two of that, add in the exhausted feeling but inability to sleep. Next day, add in the shortened breath and what feels like a racing heart beat. I've checked my blood pressure, my iron, my sugar, anything I could think of and everything is 'normal.' So I have no idea what is going on. My parents think maybe it is stress from everything that is going on, but it all started when I was NOT stressed about anything. Life isn't horrible even. Sure, I've added a second job, but I am STOKED about that. It's a job I've wanted for a while, and the original job is going well. My classes I am doing well in, getting work around the house done. No difference in friends or relationships. If anything, those have depleted in some ways. And even if you were to take that into account, it's nothing I haven't dealt with before in my life.
I know what it is like to be nervous and stressed, to know what depression feels like. Been there, done all that. But this is different. And the annoying part is I can't fix it. Nor do I have the time for a doctor's appointment this week. (Annnnd here comes the shortened breath again). It's getting ridiculous..
So uh......
is this what an anxiety attack feels like?
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