Wednesday, March 10, 2010

spring has yet to sprung

So it is march, and it has yet to become warm on a regular basis. This week calls for about 60s the whole time, maybe some rain. I wonder if it is a fluke though. I've heard a couple things about the weather lately-intriguing stuff, ok not really, but still. For instance: the earthquake in Haiti was so big that it threw the Earth of its rotation a bit, and that caused all the cold weather and snow. Also, that as a result of this abundance of cold, we shall have a heat wave this summer. Needless to say, I am kind of stoked about that. I plan on being around the beach a lot, and I like warm beach weather :)
I think that point in my life where I want to be done with school has become full blown. I know everyone always says, "Don't rush college, stay in it as long as you can. The real world is no fun. I miss my college days." I don't think that though. I am ready to be done with school, living in my own apartment working a full time job and being, well, just being done with school. I don't really know where I want to live, or what kind of job I'll get, I just know I want to be out there. I think the fact that I am unsure of those things is kind of God saying "well Erin, this is why you still have a year left. slooowww down and focus more on me :)" haha, maybe in more eloquent wording, but who knows. maybe God would call me dawg hahaha. probably not. I know I don't want to live at home this summer, yet I can't really find anywhere cheap to live. bummer. I just find myself wanting to get away from campus more and more, not necessarily go home, just anywhere; greenville, new bern, richmond, chesapeake, etc.
Speaking of chesapeake-WP is going well I think. My "boss" e-mailed me yesterday telling me I was doing a great job, and members of the choir say the same. But whether I feel of done a good job depends on the outcome. If the music and everything goes smoothly, the boss is pleased, and the choir has fun I'll feel a bit at ease. Yet if all that happens, AAANDDD people that come watch the "Passion" are touched and feel God compelling them to commit to Him-then I will feel I have completed my internship fully. Right now I am at a hump though. It is so close to being done, and performance time that I feel myself not wanting to do the job. No bueno.
School is school. Nothing really positive or negative to expand on...
I like Mike Twine :) hehe

aaandd, that's all folks! buh bye!